Nursing home neglect leads to death in Minnesota

Two nursing homes in Minnesota committed negligence. A worker found a resident unresponsive, not breathing, and without a pulse. Instead of following protocol and administering CPR, she called the police and coroner. She decided it was too late to save the patient, even though the resident’s chart indicated resuscitation in an emergency.

Another resident at a different Minnesota nursing home suffered neglect. The nurse failed to regularly check the resident’s health, as instructed before her shift. This negligence caused the resident to die.

When reckless conduct occurs, it leaves innocent nursing home residents in bad situations when they are already vulnerable. We must work together to protect our families and speak out against dangerous nursing homes. We know that the right to a citizen jury trial in civil cases is one of the best ways to hold bad actors in situations like this accountable.

Jury returns $30.9 million verdict against Plum Healthcare and its skilled nursing facility in Northern California

A nursing facility in California was found liable for reckless, malicious, oppressive, and fraudulent care to a resident. The resident suffered bedsores due to neglect. The nursing facility was understaffed to increase profits. The facility put profits over the care and safety of residents by purposely understaffing the location.

When abuse and neglect result in severe injury or even death, Arkansans have the right to hold those wrongdoers accountable. We must maintain our right to hold corporate nursing homes accountable in a civil court. Holding wrongdoers accountable keeps our families safe.

Former Ascension CEO compelled to testify at deposition in negligence lawsuits

A hospital in Flordia faces hundreds of medical malpractice suits against a former orthopedic surgeon.

The orthopedic surgeon had a progressive neurological condition. It can decrease motor skills, and cognitive ability. It can cause angry outbursts, impaired judgment, and slurred speech. The surgeon continued to operate on patients, even in light of this serious progressive neurological condition, and caused hundreds of medical errors.

Each life is valuable in God’s eyes. In court, we are trying to provide justice for victims and their families who have suffered negligence from hospitals and any wrongdoers. Protect AR Families will advocate for everyday Arkansans by speaking up for families and individuals who suffer from neglect and holding any wrongdoer accountable for their horrible acts.

Family files $7M claim after man with disability dies in Arkansas-run center

When negligence results in serious injury or even death, Arkansans have the right to hold those wrongdoers accountable.

This family allegedly lost their loved one because of the negligence of a facility unequipped to provide proper care.

Because of our Constitutional right to trial by a jury free from government mandated limits, this family can hold wrongdoers accountable in a civil court of law. We must never let special interests take that right away.

In honor of the Bill of Rights Day on December 15th we are sharing the winning work of The Judicial Learning Center's Bill of Rights Day celebration contest.