A statement regarding the Arkansas Supreme Court's decision to throw Issue 1 off the ballot



“Our campaign is disappointed to see Issue 1 taken off the ballot. While we respect that the court had no choice but to remove it because it was written so poorly and was designed to force the voters into one vote on multiple issues, we had hoped that it would stay on the ballot so Arkansans could speak loud and clear to the special interests pushing Issue 1.” said Chad Gallagher, campaign consultant for Protect AR Families. “In recent independent, third-party polling Arkansans were opposed to Issue 1 by a 2-1 margin. We are encouraged that every day working Arkansas families, faith leaders, veterans and others all recognized that Issue 1 was bad for Arkansas because it puts a one size fits all arbitrary price tag on human life and it favors special interests over people. We are so proud of Arkansans for standing up against the swamp politics of corrupt special interests. While the campaign for votes in November ends, we will remain vigilant in working with Arkansans to protect citizen rights and Arkansas values.”